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Our Vision and Values

At the BTC Trust we are clear that our vision and core purpose is to ensure that 'Every Child Achieves'.  This is a mission that we take seriously and as such we work tirelessly to ensure that we know each child, that they are taught well and have access to great facilities and opportunities to develop personally and academically.

We are relentless in our pursuit of excellence within a culture of no barriers and no excuses to achievement.  We recognise that in some of the communities we serve this mission can be even more difficult, but at the same time it is even more important. Every child in our care will be supported and challenged to be highly successful and will be incredibly well prepared for the next stage in their life long journey of learning.

We aim to inspire the young people of our communities to achieve success and the best possible outcomes by providing education based upon outstanding quality first teaching, highly supported environments and the celebration of our diversity.

We are a values based Trust and our values underpin how we work and our decision making.  We know that students come first and they are at the fore front of our thinking.

We have three explicit values.  We are:




We are wildly ambitious for young people and their successes.  We know that we can only achieve great outcomes by working in collaboration with our partners and we accept and educate everyone in our communities celebrating who they are as individuals.